Celebrities Are Role Models For Preventing Sexual Violence

(Photo credit: Alex Garland—Demotix/Corbis, Time Magazine)

In the PSA during the Grammys, President Obama pointed out that “nearly one in five women in America has been a victim of rape or tempted rape.” This number is fairly high when you imagine friends around you may have experienced sexual violence. This kind of violence and harassment need to stop happening in all the schools and campuses. Because of this alarming statistic, President Obama joined Vice President Biden to promote the “It’s On Us” sexual awareness and education campaign to prevent sexual violence and assault.

To prevent and stop sexual violence, President Obama hopes celebrities would endorse the campaign. Because celebrities have the power and ability to affect and alter people’s mind and attitude, aired the PSA about preventing sexual violence during the Grammys and the Super Bowl would reach more audiences and create better awareness.

Last year, President Obama teamed up with actor Jon Hamm, musician Randy Jackson, basketball-star Kevin Love and many other celebrities in a PSA video that aimed to prevent sexual assault. Taking advantage of the celebrities’ fame and their power of changing people’s attitude, many universities and organization responded and supported the campaign with their own version of the “It’s On US” video. University of Oregon supported the campaign to prevent not only sexual assault, also racism, alcohol abuse and suicide by creating the “Ducks Say Something/It’s On Us” video. The video featured student athletes Marcus Mariota, Devon Allen, Liz Brenner and a diverse group of University of Oregon students.

However celebrities and sports stars are often accused for sexual assault or sexual harassment. For example Heisman winner and Florida State University star football player, Jameis Winston had allegations claiming that he sexually assaulted a woman, but he was cleared of any charges. (Link to more information). In order for audience to accept the message that celebrities are participating in campaign to prevent sexual violence and providing good example to the public, the celebrities and public figures have to set boundaries for themselves.

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